Battle Abbey School Boarding Options

At Battle Abbey Senior School, we are dedicated to providing exceptional boarding options that create a nurturing and supportive environment for our students. Our boarding programs are designed to foster personal growth, promote academic excellence, and create a sense of community among our students. Whether students choose full-time boarding or the flexibility of weekly boarding, we offer a comprehensive range of services and facilities to ensure their well-being and success.

Mission Statement

Battle Abbey Boarding aims to create upstanding citizens and does this through our everyday routines with specific emphasis on developing independence, resilience, and life-skills in a nurturing and safe environment.

The philosophy of the boarding house is to make boarders feel happy, safe and fulfilled in their new home. Pupils should feel supported, valued and challenged to help them meet their full potential.

They are encouraged to participate in the many activities we organise as this helps us to develop a strong boarding community where lasting friendships can be made. Older boarders are encouraged to take on leadership roles to help younger students and to ensure the smooth running of the boarding community.

Full-time boarding allows children to enjoy the full range of activities and support on offer in the boarding house. This includes help with their studies, pastoral care and a complete, enriching activity programme.

We hope that you find your time here is a happy one. There are lots of ways that you can find a person to talk to when you need.

Boarding Pupil Handbook

This invaluable resource provides essential information, guidelines, and insights into the boarding experience, ensuring that students and their families are well-prepared for this exciting chapter in their educational journey.

The Pupil Handbook serves as a go-to reference for boarding students, offering a wealth of information about our boarding facilities, daily routines, and expectations. It provides a clear understanding of the structure and support systems in place to create a nurturing and safe boarding environment. From guidance on arrival and departure procedures to details about study time, recreational activities, and house rules, the handbook covers every aspect of the boarding experience.

Sixth Form Boarding

Becoming a ‘Sixth Former’ marks an important moment in the life of any young person. It is the point when they can truly start the transition from school to university or the world of work. Sixth Form boarding has many advantages in this regard. Boarding in general is rich in the range of opportunities and activities on offer, however, in the Sixth Form there is an even greater emphasis on developing independence and leadership. Living on site also gives better access to teachers, resources and Art & Music facilities (amongst others) and high numbers of boarders go on to excel at top universities in the UK and beyond once they have left the Abbey.

Take a Tour of our Marylands Boarding House here!

Weekly Boarding (Flexi Boarding)

Every year we try to keep a few beds free in our Abbey boarding accommodation. This allows us to offer flexible boarding places to day pupils. This service is particularly popular in the run up to exam season (when revision is very much on pupil’s minds!) and is also much appreciated by parents. Temporarily accommodating day pupils in our Boarding House not only allows pupils to cram for exams in the academically supportive environment of the school (away from the distractions of home) but also helps consolidate the school and bring the day and boarding sides of our community together.

Flexible boarding is available by prior arrangement to existing day pupils and is chargeable at a rate of £75 a night.

For day pupils who would like to see if Boarding is for them we also offer ‘Taster nights’ in boarding at a reduced rate of £35 a night (2 days maximum, weekday nights only).

All parties interested in either flexible or taster boarding sessions arrange their stay with our Head of Boarding, on

International Admissions

We welcome applications from families living overseas who are relocating or seeking a boarding place for their child.

Please contact the Admissions Office to find out if a place is available and to provide some initial information on the applicant. Families are encouraged to visit the school but we realise that this may not be possible. The Admissions Office can arrange a Skype or Zoom call with the Headmaster for an informal discussion.

Once the family decides to proceed with a formal application, a Registration Form should be submitted and the Registration Fee paid.

In assessing a non-UK resident student we review school reports covering the last two years of their education. We set an on-line English Language assessment and we may also ask the applicant to sit a Maths paper. For students joining the Sixth Form we may also set an assessment related to their chosen A Level subjects.

The school interviews all students and this can be done on-line if a personal visit is not possible.

The School holds a UKVI licence and can sponsor students who require a visa to study in the UK.

English Tuition (English as an additional language)

The EAL Department is the most important department in the school for international students. The boarding community has included students from Hong Kong and mainland China, Thailand, Taiwan, Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Germany, Austria, Spain, France and Slovakia. The department focuses on their reading, writing, listening and speaking skills developing their vocabulary and grammar to ensure that their level of English improves significantly each year they are at Battle Abbey School.
International pupils applying to Battle Abbey School take an on-line placement test to assess their level of English and their speaking level is checked in a Skype video call. We accept overseas students whose English is at a level which allows them to follow their full curriculum subjects. Pupils enter the school in years 7 and 8 with elementary level English and Year 9 at low-intermediate. For Year 10 their English should be upper-intermediate and for Year 12 upper-intermediate to advanced depending on their subject choices. Applications from students whose English is not at this standard are considered if their subject choices are appropriate. Pupils receive EAL lessons subject to language requirements for their year group and subjects.

International pupils at Battle Abbey School follow Cambridge ESOL examination courses (English for Speakers of Other Languages) KET and PET (Key/Preliminary English Tests) FCE and CAE (First Certificate English and Certificate in Advanced English) and in the Sixth Form IELTS, the International English Language Testing System, a requirement for university applications.

The EAL Department is supported by native speaker Russian, Cantonese and Mandarin teachers who, as well as EAL, teach GCSE and A Level courses in each of these languages.

Regular INSET sessions are held by the EAL Department to ensure that subject teachers are aware of proven methods to make their lessons ‘EAL-friendly’ and how to work with the EAL Department to provide cross-curricular help.

EAL students completing Year 13 at Battle Abbey School have gone on to study a wide range of subjects including Art at St Martins, Computer Science with Business Management, Electrical and Electronic Engineering with Mathematics, Fashion, Marketing and Management, Business Management, Business with Finance, and Accounting, Finance and Management.

Information For Parents

The school can provide airport and railway transports to Heathrow, Gatwick, Stansted, Luton and the Eurotunnel stations at Ashford and EbbsFleet International. We have a fleet of mini buses that can be used to take groups of students to different transport hubs. Wherever possible we try to group students together and take them by minibus to reduce costs to parents. We have both male and female drivers and we are able to accompany minors to check in where required. Our drivers are very experienced and include driving instructors and an experienced chauffeur. We also supplement our vehicles and drivers with a very experienced and professional local taxi firm. We can also arrange transport for weekend leave and for any other events that arise throughout the term. Requests for school transport need to come via our Transport Form sent out to parents and guardians at the beginning of term. Please note that completed forms need to come from parents and guardians rather than from the student themselves.

If you want to spend the weekend at home/your friend’s house, you will need to see the house parent by Wednesday evening. They will need to know where you are going; what time you are leaving and coming back; how you are travelling there and with whom. They will need the contact details of the adult you are staying with. All this information should be communicated by e-mails or phone calls from your parents/guardians and Battle Abbey School. You need to return before supper on Sunday. We can arrange transport if we are given enough notice. Often the cost of this can be added to the school bill. The arrangements we have for exeats are designed to ensure the safety of our students.

Boarding Clubs and Trips
There are different clubs after school every day of the school week. We would like you to sign up for several of these. On the weekend there will often be a trips out to local attractions. Boarders are expected to sign up for a certain number of activities in the week and over the course of the weekend. Sixth Formers have more freedom of choice but we want an active boarding house where boarders have opportunities to participate in sport, and other social activities. This helps develop confidence, health, integration and friendships.

Weekend trips are advertised on the board in the Matrons Sit. If you would like to go on a trip just sign your name up and if there is a cost it will be added to your bill unless otherwise stated. You need to sign up for trips before the deadline so we can ascertain numbers. Any spare places will be offered to day students to aid mixing between the different component parts of the school. We take trips to ice skating, shopping, paintballing, cycling, and cultural trips. If you have an interest see a member of the boarding staff and we will try to arrange something for you.

Who do I turn to?
There will always be staff you can turn to if you are feeling unhappy or uncertain about anything. Your Heads of House and Heads of Boarding are also there to help you. Please refer to the notice boards in Matron’s Sit in particular if you want to discuss anything with a responsible person. Please note in particular that you can contact our Independent Person, Brian Flint.

Boarders Opinions
All Heads of Boarding are eager to help you sort out any problems that you have. If you have any suggestions please see any member of the boarding team or the Heads of Boarding and they will raise your issue. The points can be related to anything from cleaning to the food or even the purchase of items that will improve Boarding at Battle Abbey School. Remember, this is your school. A suggestions box will be kept in the boarding area. Also boarders can join various whole school committees to represent fellow students and there are opportunities to represent their forms in Year group and house meetings.

Where to stay and where to visit
There are a number of local Hotels both on the High Street and surrounding area.

The Abbey Hotel and Inn

Priors Lodge (air B and B)

Powdermills Hotel

Tollgate Farm House

There are a number of local attractions in Battle with the picturesque medieval town of Rye, Hastings, with its beautiful and historic Old Town, and the popular seaside resort of Eastbourne all worth visiting and a short drive away.

Battle Visitor Information

Eastbourne Visitor Information

Hastings Visitor Information

Rye Visitor Information

Appointing a Guardian

Every student whose parents are resident abroad must have a suitable guardian living in the UK. If you are unable to appoint a relative or acquaintance in this country, we suggest the use of a professional guardianship agency and we are happy to provide a list of contacts.

Please click here for the Schools Guardianship policy.

Boarding Pupil Interviews

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