Battle Abbey School Uniform Policy

Instilling Pride

At Battle Abbey Senior School, we believe that a smart and consistent uniform policy plays a vital role in fostering a positive learning environment and instilling a sense of pride and belonging among our students. Our uniform policy is designed to promote equality, discipline, and a focused attitude towards academic and personal development. This page provides an overview of our uniform policy, including details on the specific items of clothing required and the expectations we have for our students.

Year 7-11 Uniform Guidance

Uniform Requirements (ALL uniform must be labelled clearly with the pupil’s name)
• School lanyard
• School blazer
• School maroon jumper
• School tie
• White long-sleeved shirt or blouse buttoned up to the collar
• School kilt (worn no shorter than 5cm above the centre of the knee) or charcoal-grey School trousers
• Black opaque tights (not patterned), charcoal-grey knee-socks, or white or black ankle socks (summer term only – no trainer socks allowed)
• Clean/polished black shoes (no fabric shoes, no sandals, no logos (i.e the Nike swoosh) heels no higher than 5cm, no shoes that are designed to look like trainers
• Vegan shoes; which will not be leather or polishable, are acceptable provided they look like traditional school shoes
• Drama top
• Smart, dark-coloured coat (if desired) (no hoodies, no logos)

Yr 7-11 PE Kit

• Burgundy skort or Blue and navy shorts (initialled)
• Blue and Burgundy PE top (initialled)
• Training shoes
• Shin pads
• Gum shield
• Burgundy football/hockey socks
• White sports socks
• Black/navy one-piece swim suit
• Appropriate footwears (football boots/astros etc)
• Tennis racket
• Hockey stick
• School tracksuit
• An appropriate base-layer may be worn during sport

Yr 7-11 Specific Uniform Guidance

Badges: House Award badges and badges denoting office, such a Form Captain, Games Captain, Star, Bronze, Vice/Head of House, and games colours should be worn by those entitled to do so. No other badges should be worn.

Jewellery: A chain with a religious symbol may be worn around the neck. Watches may be worn. Body piercing is not acceptable. A discreet item of jewellery may be worn. Students may wear simple silver or gold stud earrings (plain metal, no costume jewels) one in each ear.

Nail Polish and Make-Up: These may not be worn with uniform by any pupil in KS3. Pupils in KS4 may wear discreet makeup (i.e. light foundation, mascara, clear lip balm – no eyeliner or eye- shadow) and clear nail varnish only. No fake eyelashes or nails.

Hair: Hair must be smart and professional. Only black or maroon hair fastenings. Hair should be a natural colour even if dyed. Hair should be styled in keeping with professional office dress. No extreme styles are permitted. Students must be clean shaven except for religious reasons.

Note: On all matters relating to student appearance, the Headteacher/Deputy Head reserve the right to make the final decision. In instances where students would like to wear religious dress they are able to do so provided it is a religious duty and must be in keeping with the general school uniform conditions. We continue to be sensitive to individual circumstances and needs, so students may choose to abide by either boy or girl specifics. The starting point for this is to contact the Deputy Head and relevant Head of Key Stage.

Sixth Form Dress Code

• A suit with a collar and tie.
• Jumpers may also be worn underneath the jacket.
• Sensible smart shoes (in line with the shoe requirements for Key Stage 3 and 4 above).
• Hair should be kept groomed.
• A small stud may be worn in each ear.
• Skirts, smart dresses and trousers may be worn.
• All students are required to wear a jacket at school at all times when not in a lesson.
• A blouse or shirt.
• Trousers must be full length, tailored and appropriately formal. Subtle patterns are allowed, such as check or stripe; bold patterns or leggings are not.
• Heels must not be more than 3 inches.
• Make-up should be natural looking.
• Discreet jewellery may be worn.

Note: On all matters relating to student appearance, the Headteacher/Deputy Head reserve the right to make the final decision.

PE Kit

• Blue and navy skort or Blue and navy shorts* (initialled)
• Blue and Burgundy PE top (initialled)*
• Training shoes
• Shin pads
• Gum shield
• Burgundy football/hockey socks*
• White sports socks
• Black/navy one-piece swim suit
• Appropriate footwear (football boots/astros etc)
• Tennis racket
• Hockey stick
• School Tracksuit*
• An appropriate base-layer may be worn during sport

Please note: Items featuring an asterisk must be purchased from Monkhouse or the School. Both Boys and Girls may wear navy blue base layers under their PE kit in cold weather. Sixth Form PE kit – as appropriate from the list above

Please note: If students are in school teams, they are required to have the full Battle Abbey School PE kit for that sport.

School Uniform Shop: Battle Abbey School uniform is supplied by Monkhouse Ltd and we would advise that parents visit the Monkhouse website in the first instance, where uniform can be ordered direct. The School also holds a quantity of new uniform onsite at the school. Details of the School Uniform shop opening hours are available online or from the Senior School Office.

Second Hand Uniform: The School also has a collection of second hand uniform on site at the Abbey. Details of opening hours for the second hand uniform shop are available from the School Office.

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