Battle Abbey Prep School Swimming Pool & Other Facilities

Creating A Learning Environment

Situated in Bexhill, in bright airy classrooms, the National Curriculum is broadly followed and supplemented by specialist teachers with dedicated rooms for many subjects. A gymnasium, ample playing fields, a large astro turf pitch and a 25 metre, six lane, heated swimming pool allow for a full and varied range of physical activities. Our impressive facilities enable us to introduce every child to a range of activities so that they can identify those which they most enjoy, and at which they most excel.



You may be familiar with the term STEM subjects, which is now developing to STEAM, to include the important element of Art in this curriculum, – so Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths. We were granted planning permission, before the pandemic, to build over our current dining hall, to create a fantastic purpose built facility. Mr Barraclough led the development of this new, dynamic curriculum and facility and we are excited to announce that the school’s brand new STEAM facility was completed Summer 2021. This new space is currently being used for both Science and Art lessons along with the exciting new curriculum lesson – STEAM. This STEAM curriculum is taught as a project based learning experience, drawing together the multiple disciplines to excite and inspire. STEAM lessons aim to improve pupil problem solving skills, to be creative in their thinking and work cohesively together in project teams. We want to encourage the children to apply their scientific, mathematical, computing, and design skills to solve a variety of practical problems. They will be introduced to the 5-stage engineering process – ask, imagine, plan, create and improve – which encourages a cyclical approach to solving problems. Please check our Facebook page for some examples of our fantastic STEAM project work!

Our Wellbeing Garden

Our Wellbeing Garden within our Prep school grounds, was completed in 2024 and its a lovely space for pupils, staff and parents to use all year round for gentle reflection, peaceful thoughts and the opportunity to spend time within a natural and beautiful space. Featuring a living Willow yurt and a variety of planting, the garden is a fantastic space to commune with nature. The garden (which has a footprint and floorplan based on the ‘Tree of Life’) is just part of a number of green, eco and sustainability themed projects in action at the Prep site, which include wide scale tree planting, an orchard, a wildflower meadow, a wetland habitat and some brad new Wheat planting areas.


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