Battle Abbey Nursery Catering


Nursery children attending the breakfast club have access to a range of cereal, toast etc. Effectively a scaled down continental breakfast! This is served at the Nursery from the kitchen facilities on site.

Those attending lunch will receive a hot meal as standard. Italian day on a Thursday is always popular and, for example, might see the children served lasagne and garlic bread, homemade pizza or spaghetti Bolognese. Chicken wraps, Cottage pie and sausage and mash are also popular options on other days. All children are fed in situ at the Nursery.

Those attending High Tea on the extended late finish can expect a second hot meal. This would usually be scrambled eggs, beans on toast or similar.

Please click here for an example menu cycle.

If you would like more detailed information on the Nursery catering please contact Nursery manager Jackie Richards on

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