Friends of Battle Abbey School

Friends of Battle Abbey School are a voluntary Committee made up of like-minded parents from the Senior School, Prep and Nursery, working together alongside School to offer additional educational, enriching and fun experiences for all pupils.

FoBAS raises money by holding events across the School sites such as ‘A Taste of Sussex’, Quiz Night, Christmas raffles and events for the children such as Movie Nights and Christmas Shopping Experiences, Not forgetting the Golden Ticket Hunt – our homage to
Willy Wonka!


Projects that have been funded by FOBAS include:

  • Outdoor Learning Toys for Nursery
  • STEM Lego Robots & Digital Art Pads for Prep
  • Christmas Disco & Easter Egg Hunt for Prep
  • Multi-purpose, outside classroom
  • French & Spanish Theatre performances
  • Ecology and Biodiversity area at The Abbey
  • Visiting History Lecturers for Sixth Form
  • Playstation & games for the Boarding House

And across the whole school:

  • The ‘Battle Bar’ Golden Ticket Hunt
  • Norman Living History Day
  • School Kiln and resources

FoBAS arranges monthly socials in the form of coffee morning meets and pub nights around the Battle and Bexhill areas.

If you would like information about joining the Committee, or have any questions or suggestions about fundraising or social events please email

FOBAS also sells second-hand uniform.

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