Friends of Battle Abbey School

The FOBAS Committee is a group of parents from Nursery, Prep and Senior School; they meet once or twice per term and help organise a variety of events held at Battle Abbey School for pupils, parents, staff and friends.  The money raised during these events is used to fund items that do not fall under existing educational or facilities budgets and promise to enhance the school experience, helping to improve educational or social outcomes for children in the school.

Projects that have been funded by FOBAS include:

  • The STEAM Engineering Hub
  • Games & PS4 for the Boarding Houses
  • French Theatre for MFL Department
  • Commedia dellArte Masks
  • Lighting & Sound Equipment for the Drama & Tech Department
  • Equipment for Duke of Edinburgh Expeditions
  • Science Ambassadors for the Prep School
  • STEM LEGO Robots for the Prep School
  • Lightbox for Art Department
  • Speakers for PSHE Mental Health Week
  • Gardening Club at the Prep School
  • Outdoor toys for the Nursery

FOBAS also sells second-hand uniform via a dedicated website. For more information about this, and the various FOBAS events that will take place this year, please visit:

If you would like information about joining the Committee, or questions about any fundraising or social events please email:

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