Student Voice

Student voice is of great importance at Battle Abbey School. One of the school’s core principles is mutual respect, and all the staff recognise the energy and creativity pupils can bring to numerous aspects of school life. The roles of responsibility pupils take on throughout their time at the school see them set up Extra Curricular Clubs and groups, arrange and coordinate events and spearhead the schools charitable work through the House system. Student Voice is heard weekly at break time with pupils from all key stages are asked to share their views (over cake!) on a variety of aspects of the school including; Uniform, Welfare, Co-Curricular provision, Societies, Supra curricular as well as the school’s approach to discipline. A selection of pupils from across all senior key stages were interviewed by SLT and the Full Court of Governors for their opinions on the futures curriculum. This is part of a wider assessment on whether we should be offering new subjects and what the school needs to do to keep ahead in it’s careers and futures provision. All student opinion is fed back into the schools development plan for review and implementation. John Kingwell, Chair of Governors said; “We always look forward to seeing pupils at Governors meetings and enjoy them sharing their thoughts, and we are always delighted with how articulate and well informed they are, their passions certainly shine through.”

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