Choosing Battle Abbey Prep

Why Battle Abbey Prep School?

  • A caring School with happy and confident pupils
  • Inspiring teaching
  • PE and swimming lessons twice a week each
  • Maximum 20 pupils per class, individual attention
  • Extensive range of over 30 after school activities

An investment in your child’s future Reception places from as little as £18.50 a day Wrap-around care from 07:45 to 17:45 Fully inclusive fees; no ‘hidden extras’

What The Parents Say

“Our daughter joined Battle Abbey Prep School from the second term of Year 1, after a struggle with anxiety during her previous school. During her time in year one and year two, all staff members worked with her to help her through any anxiety attacks she had, and I felt confident as a parent that my daughter was cared for and nurtured during times of anxiety, when I wasn’t around to help her through. Now in year three, she has grown emotionally, to become a confident happy girl and feels totally supported by the staff at school. We are delighted to know that N**** feels safe, secure and enjoys school more now than ever, which is all thanks to the Battle Abbey Family and the care they show.”

Mum (March 2021)

“I’d just like to say thank you from the bottom of my heart to all involved for turning M**** around & helping her to discover her joy for learning again. She was so happy to get the certificates today & I’m so proud to see her improving & really enjoying school life & her Battle Abbey family. She has so many friends now and is happy for the first time at school.”

Mum and Dad (March 2021)

“I just wanted to say a huge thank you to you and your colleagues for helping A***** over the past few weeks, making her feel so welcome and comfortable starting a new school. She had some tears in the first couple of weeks, but last week and this week she seems to have turned a corner and been skipping into school and looking forward to it. I think she struggled with the Reception to Year 1 transition of curriculum! Or ‘the work’ (as she put it), rather than play! We have also noticed a significant improvement in her reading, thank you for this too.”

Mum (March 2021)

Holistic Approach to Education

We firmly believe that education goes beyond textbooks and examinations. Battle Abbey Prep adopts a holistic approach, fostering the comprehensive development of every student. Our extensive range of extracurricular activities, encompassing sports, arts, clubs, and community service, offers students ample opportunities to explore their interests, develop their talents, and build essential life skills. Whether it’s participating in a science club, performing in a school play, or engaging in community outreach projects, students are encouraged to discover their passions and cultivate a well-rounded personality.

Small Class Sizes and Individualised Attention

At Battle Abbey Prep, we understand the significance of personalised instruction and individual attention. Our small class sizes ensure that each student receives the support and guidance they need to thrive academically and emotionally. Our dedicated teachers establish strong connections with their students, enabling them to tailor their teaching methods to accommodate diverse learning styles. This personalised approach allows teachers to identify students’ strengths and areas for improvement, providing targeted support and fostering a supportive learning environment that promotes student success.

Focus on Character Development and Values

At Battle Abbey Prep, we understand that education encompasses not only academics but also character development. We strive to instil in our students a strong sense of values and ethics that will guide them throughout their lives. Our character education programs, integrated into the curriculum, emphasise qualities such as integrity, respect, empathy, and resilience. Through mentorship opportunities, service projects, and a supportive pastoral care system, we nurture well-rounded individuals who are not only academically accomplished but also compassionate leaders of tomorrow.

Parental Involvement and Community Engagement

We believe that the educational journey is a partnership between the school, parents, and the community. At Battle Abbey Prep, we actively encourage parental involvement and maintain open lines of communication. We value the insights and contributions of parents, recognizing their integral role in their child’s education. Additionally, our school actively engages with the local community, fostering connections and providing students with opportunities to become responsible global citizens.

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