Notice Board

Senior School (Battle) Open Day Saturday March 8th 2025 10.00am – 1.00 pm. Please book your places here.

Prep and Nursery School (Bexhill) Open Day Saturday April 2025 TBC 10.00am – 12.00 noon. Please email to register.

Sixth Form Open Evening (Battle): Thursday 10th October 2024. Please book your places here.

New Battle Abbey Pay Portal Now live! You can access it via this link.

“Battle Abbey School is an independent School in East Sussex which is extraordinarily special. A glimpse through its enchanting gatehouse tells you that you are not only in a historically significant setting, but also in a school that has an incomparable character and sense of community. Battle Abbey’s ideal size, much lauded pastoral care, idyllic location, continuity of education from Nursery to Sixth Form, allied to its friendly and highly supportive working environment make for a very inclusive and unique School.

As a parent myself I know how important it is for our children to feel happy and supported at School so they can grow and flourish. Pupils very quickly feel at home here as everyone is so welcoming and friendly. The family ethos and school values of Belonging, Aspiration and Service thread through everything we do and enables pupils to make the most of all the opportunities provided.

At Battle Abbey School we blend traditional values to new, innovative thinking in teaching and learning. Our inspiring curriculum supports pupils to excel academically and socially. We have developed an enviable reputation for adding value academically in a mixed ability setting. The progress of pupils is monitored closely by academic and pastoral mentors to ensure they all reach their full potential. The majority of our leavers go on to their first-choice destinations of university, apprenticeships or employment. Just under 30% of our Sixth Form students go on to Russell Group Universities and about 10% of our Sixth Form students go on to Oxford or Cambridge.

Battle Abbey’s ethos is highly distinctive and focuses on nurturing a close-knit family atmosphere, encouraging active participation from its students, promoting an international perspective through its boarders and encouraging self-respect. Battle Abbey pupils are easy to pick out for their confidence, dedication and kindness. We strive to inspire our pupils to be compassionate leaders and global citizens who want to go on to make the World a better place.

I very much hope that this website gives you a flavour of our School and I would urge you to come to visit us to meet our engaging and talented students and staff.”

Hannah Blake – Battle Abbey School Headteacher

Read our review on Muddy Stilettos here


Sixth Form At Battle Abbey School

Battle Abbey School | Life at the Abbey

An introduction to Battle Abbey School

Summer Concert 2024: Will F (Year 13) Moonlight Sonata

Key Stage 3 pupils video interview September 2020

Battle Abbey Year 11 pupil Edie talks about life at Battle Abbey School

Battle Abbey Year 11 pupil Alex talks about life at Battle Abbey School

Battle Abbey Sixth Form leavers talk about their time at Battle Abbey School

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What The Parents Say

Many schools claim to have a family ethos, but Battle Abbey actually lives up to the promises on this front.  The atmosphere is nurturing and supportive, the staff are friendly and approachable, and it is not unusual for pupils in Year 13 to have friends in Year 7.  The boarders are an integral part of the school, and many form lasting friendships with the day pupils and each other.  It is a place where the pupils are encouraged to be themselves and to discover their own individual talents.  The Headmaster, David Clark, is an inspirational character who is taking the school from strength to strength, both academically and pastorally. He knows and understands all of the pupils, and gently guides and encourages them to be the best they can be.  Our son joined the school in Year 9 and has flourished at Battle Abbey, and we would not hesitate in recommending the school to other families.

(Year 13 Parent)

Please let us take the opportunity to thank the whole staff for the amazing work you do at Battle Abbey School! Since Asena has visited the school she carried out a really positive change at school and her thinking about learning. She was seen by you as an individual person , was promoted and encouraged. She has been shown new possibilities and has built up a strong family bond after a very short time. It is incredible for us as parents to see what school can cause. We cannot thank you enough for this positive experience our daughter made.

(Boarding parent)

We are both thrilled with the experience they are having at the school….just the best decision we ever made. Every morning they are raring to go to school and hassling my wife to get ready and take them! During Jack’s short time at Battle Abbey we have noticed a huge change in him already and actually it has had a positive impact on the whole family. I just wanted to drop you a line to thank you and the staff for supporting Alice in her start at Battle Abbey. I can’t believe how she is settling and comes home buzzing with what she has done in the day.

(Year 9 parent)

Odin (and we as parents) has/have had the absolute best experience attending Battle Abbey this semester. I wanted to reach out and say a great thanks to you and all of your colleagues for the fantastic job that you are doing. The experience for Odin and Emmy have been exactly as great as we would have hoped for. Odin really enjoys both the school and the boarding. He called me this weekend, a week before he is about to go back to Sweden, and told me that he wants to go back to Battle Abbey. I’m not sure that you can get much higher grade than that. Over the semester he has constantly spoken very highly of so many teachers and staff at Battle. I know that he and Emmy really appreciated that your Head Master personally knows and greats all the children. That has been a very positive experience for them and I’m sure that him being that visible creates a positive atmosphere at the school. Odin and Emmy has not experienced anything similar at their previous schools. There are so many teachers that Odin takes time to talk to us about – in a way that we have not heard him do before. It really goes across the line and I only know the name of some of them but Mr Mercer, Mr & Mrs Perry, Spanish, Science, Math, ICT, Drama etc. You really have a fantastic team doing a really good job. We appreciate all the work that you have done and please feel free to pass this thank you note along.

(Boarding Parent)

The whole experience our daughter has had so far has surpassed my expectations in every respect. She is happy, confident and is making fantastic progress both academically and socially. I couldn’t wish for more.

(Year 11 parent)

It’s very difficult to put into so many words how we feel about the Abbey, however, after just one term it’s clear it was the best possible choice for my daughter’s senior school education. We are both delighted and every expectation has so far been exceeded.

(Year 8 parent)

The first and most obvious feeling we had upon starting at the Abbey is the feeling of family, a feeling of belonging and being part of something very special.

(Year 8 parent)

Battle Abbey has a holistic approach to education – it’s not all about results and attainment – it’s about shared experiences, doing your best and learning about the world at large. As a result, Battle Abbey seems to produce very engaging, well rounded kids and its a pleasure to be in their company.

(Year 11 parent)

You know the staff will endeavour to bring out the very best in your child and that the other parents there are seeking these same goals. The school listens and acts on points raised by students and parents. And of course the buildings and grounds create a sense of pride in the school and the history!

(Year 8 parent)

The atmosphere is lovely and the best thing is that my daughter loves coming to school — what more could a parent want !!

(Year 8 parent)

I chose Battle Abbey because I liked the friendly, approachable staff and the wonderful atmosphere of the school. The teachers really get to know the children and inspire them to achieve and be the best they can be.

(Year 13 parent)

The school has a great family atmosphere. The children really want to learn and are inspired to do so, and that makes all the difference.

(Year 13 parent)

The most important element of my daughter’s first term is how completely comfortable and at ease she has felt from the very beginning of the year. In fact, before she even started at the Abbey, she felt as though she really counts for who she is. This has given her a greater degree of confidence which has been reflected in her academic success. She has also found a very nice friendship group.

(Year 9 parent)

We have an incredibly happy child who enjoys all lessons and has made a super group of friends. She values relationships with all staff and cannot wait to get into school.

(Year 7 parent)

The school is excellent! My child has been at the school for 2 years. She recently left at the end of Year 11 due to financial constraints but has returned because the school offers care, attention, and she is known by her teachers, the Headmaster and all staff. This care and nurturing is simply not common in most schools.

(Year 12 parent)

Both of our boys love being at Battle Abbey. They have a strong sense of belonging and they are known by the teaching staff. We are very pleased with how they are doing and the level of support that they receive. We feel that the teaching team are doing an excellent job.

(Year 11 parent)

There is a warmth and family feel with a real sense of mutual respect between teachers and students. The school is 
instantly welcoming and engaging.

(Year 7 parent)

It’s an inclusive family! The school is warm, inviting and caring, with so much to offer every student at every level

(Year 8 parent)

The school has a family feel, has good academic results and looks to develop the “whole” child rather than just focus on exam results.

(Year 7 parent)

We have been impressed with the leadership, accessibility of staff, the family atmosphere and pastoral support. Our son has gone from strength to strength since he joined the school and has a wonderful circle of friends across a number of years.

(Year 10 parent)

There is a good family, community feel to the school and the parents, teachers and pupils are meshed together in a good way. Obviously the building itself is spectacular and you can never tire of looking at the stonework that is hundreds of years old and what it represents.

(Year 7 parent)

The Abbey is a warm and welcoming environment, a nurturing place that has a family feel. We feel that we are part of something special.

(Year 11 parent)

I am writing because I wanted to commend your staff and yourself in the most outstanding impact you have had on my daughter.  The difference in her inner-self and how she is learning to believe in herself and become more confident is really phenomenal.  In such a short space of time your team have nurtured her, welcomed her and inspired her in so many things.

(Year 9 parent)

My son is very happy there which allows him to thrive socially and academically. He is keen to go to school and I am thrilled.

(Year 9 parent)

Thank you for caring about my son and for seeing his potential. You are a fantastic team.

(Year 7 parent)

Reviews and Accreditations