Our Prep School Curriculum

The Academic Curriculum at Battle Abbey Prep School

‘Our varied and engaging curriculum at Battle Abbey Prep allows for each student to discover their strengths and make the most of their talents within the school and beyond.

Our teachers constantly adapt lessons and content to match the interests and skills of our pupils, while also driving the development of their specialist subjects with their enthusiasm and expertise, to create a love of learning for all children. The most recent development in our curriculum is the addition of Spanish (from Key Stage 2) and STEAM as a stand-alone subject. STEAM brings together the disciplines of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths and will be taught as a project-based learning opportunity in our dedicated purpose built facility on-site at the Prep School. It will allow for the children to understand how each of these subjects are intertwined and develop their skills in problem solving, creative thinking and team work. ‘

Our inclusive curriculum doesn’t stop at the academic subjects, with our vision for Sport and Physical Education allowing for opportunities for all children at all levels of ability. We believe that experiencing sport in a safe and supportive environment allows for the children to thrive and positively contribute to their development and well-being. The weekly timetable combines Games lessons with Swimming sessions and offers inter-school fixtures for a competitive experience.

Battle Abbey Prep offers a rigorous system of academic tracking with standardised exams for English, Maths and Science completed yearly, in addition to teacher assessments and end of topic tests. Pupil progress is valued, with an emphasis on ensuring that all children meet and exceed their potential. Parents are kept informed through termly reports, effort grades and Parent-Teacher progress meetings. A full school report is issued at the end of the summer term.’ Mr Josh Barraclough Director of Academic

Early Years Booklet

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