Battle Abbey Independent Sixth Form

Life in the Sixth Form is hard work but pupils are treated as mature young adults.

The Sixth Form Mentors guide you through the university application, choice of subjects and a range of other challenges both great and small. There is no school uniform but the requirement to dress like young professional people.

The Sixth Form offers change, a wealth of new opportunities and a chance to prepare for the future.

Most Sixth Formers study three A Levels, although a few study four. Work and progress is monitored by Sixth Form Tutors. At A Level there are more than twenty subjects to choose from. In an average year around 95% of our Sixth Form leavers will go on to University with the rest primarily taking internships. Just under half of our University bound Sixth Form leavers go on to study at Oxford, Cambridge or Russell Group Universities.

We offer a comprehensive range of A Level and BTec courses. We expect potential Sixth Formers to have a minimum of six GCSE passes at grade 4 or above and to have achieved at least a grade 6 at GCSE in their chosen subjects.

Available courses are listed in the A Level curriculum document in this section.

What’s Sixth Form Like?

‘‘Battle Abbey Sixth Form is an environment that cultivates academic success and creates a supportive network in which students can thrive during their two years. Ages 16 to 18 are about independence and responsibility – which, in turn, comes with freedom and choice. Martlet House provides excellent facilities where students can either focus on their studies in the Silent Study Room or take a break from their hard work in the café, common room or garden. This building is almost entirely centred around the Sixth Form experience and hence is a great place for students to unwind or work without distraction.

There are also designated areas within the main building, including an additional common room and study room, giving students the convenience of always being close to their next lesson. Sixth Form students are free to eat, study, and relax where they please including in the town of Battle – given they sign in and out with their lanyards.

Pupils may enjoy clubs such as chess, engineering, horse riding and a talented school choir. As well as our choirs we have several orchestras and private lessons available. Many sixth formers are involved with termly concerts, productions and recitals.

In sport, coaches put on sessions at lunch, after school and even before the day starts. Some favourites are the swim team, football, hockey and netball. There are also plenty of opportunities for academic extension, societies such as philosophy, coding or literature around the world provide an excellent opportunity to develop out of classroom skills. We also have an academic journal, The Gateway, which is a perfect way to explore possible degree subjects in more detail and demonstrate your essay writing skills. The Sixth Form have the opportunity not only to participate in these activities but to help run them or set one up as a Bronze – which are otherwise known as subject prefects.

Sixth Formers are able to take on leadership roles in the school as Heads of House, Bronzes, Heads of Boarding, and Guardians; our unique title for Head Boy(s) and Head Girl(s). These student leaders form a bridge between the student body and staff allowing communication between the two and enabling voices across the school to be heard and recognised. Leadership roles are not only opportunities for students to learn the people skills required to become a good leader in the workplace, but also to be a friendly face for younger pupils to turn to for help, guidance or advice with any matter – whether it be friendships or homework.

Responsibilities include the organisation of the Winter and Summer Ball as well as inter-house competitions, charity events and representing the school within the community. These positions of responsibility also allow new students to become involved and integrated with the running of the school and gain experience in organising events and collaborating on projects – which are skills much sought after by universities and employers.

Here at Battle Abbey we don’t just offer an incredible place to learn, it is a safe and nurturing environment where friendships can flourish. Whether you are boarding or a day pupil by the time you leave Battle you will have made lifelong friendships and connections across the globe. One thing that distinguishes Battle Abbey apart from other schools is the staff’s willingness to go above and beyond the call of duty. The vigilance and dedication shown by every tutor or teacher means that you never feel overwhelmed in your final years. They always make time for extra sessions if you can’t grasp a topic, and their constant encouragement inspires us to work harder to achieve our goals.

The kitchen staff at Battle Abbey are second to none. If you’re feeling peckish or in need of a sugar boost they are always there with a readily available supply of biscuits! Annie, our chef at Martlet House never ceases to put a smile on your face, and always goes the extra mile to make your experience at Battle that much better. Her constant supply of treats such as cheese toasties or cakes are always a much-appreciated study snack. She is always creating exciting new menus and getting us to experience different cuisines.

The Battle Abbey School community is a wonderful atmosphere where students can thrive in their individuality and yet feel part of a family. In House time Sixth Formers are offered the opportunity to form bonds with younger pupils in their house. The family ethos we have here allows interaction between all the different age groups, meaning that you will always have someone looking out for you.

Battle Abbey provides students with the skills and determination to become successful well-rounded individuals with a natural sense of compassion in an environment that is both friendly and exciting. We hope to see you join the Abbey in the near future so that you will enjoy your time here as much as we have and add to the rich tapestry of Battle Abbey history.”

The Guardians 2023/2024

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